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i.e. is a theatre company derived from the imagination and poor judgement of Elliott Grant and Isaac Burnett.




To entertain ideas, to entertain ourselves, and to occasionally drag in an audience as a witness.


Theatre, Art installations, Film, Writing - you name them. We'll attempt anything.

i.e. is the place for us to chase any inspirations, fleeting ideas or fever dreams we may have.

(Just so long as they're not productive in a real-world sense)

Chances are it'll be low budget theatre. 


i.e. itself consists of two permanent members, Elliott and Isaac

But has involved a whole host of wonderful collaborators and temporary members 


To name a few:

Nick Dualibi Wilson

Voice Acting - Benchmark: Bits and Bobs


Harley Nash

Voice Acting - Benchmark: Broken Record

Millie Sutherland O'Gara

Voice Acting - Benchmark: Tannenbaum

Estere Slare

Voice Acting - Benchmark: The Veil

Jack Burnett

Voice Acting - Benchmark: Landlocked

Acting - Dollface - Maríon

Amy Doble  

Acting, Management, Advertising - Dollface - Máiréad

George Bennett

Acting - Dollface - Maurice

Sophie Littlejohns

Acting - Dollface - Máiréad

Charlotte Juniper

Make-up and Costume - Dollface

© i.e. 2017

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